best prams for newborns

Unveiling the Best Strollers for Every Parent

Choose the right stroller based on your needs, budget and style!

Embarking on the journey of parenthood requires thoughtful consideration, and one crucial aspect is selecting the perfect stroller for your little one. With so many  options available, the choice can be overwhelming.

Fear not, as we navigate the world of strollers that we have tried and tested so that you don’t have to (but of course you might still want to!).  Let's dive deeper into our collection to discover the best strollers that seamlessly blend style, functionality, and innovation.

  1. The All-Terrain Wonder: Stokke Xplory X

   At the forefront of our stroller lineup is the Stokke Xplory X, a true all-terrain wonder. With robust wheels and a durable frame, this stroller is designed to handle any adventure, from navigating city streets to conquering off-road paths. The Stokke Xplory X prioritises both comfort and safety, ensuring a smooth ride for your precious cargo in any terrain or weather condition.

  1. Luxury Redefined: Mercedes-Benz - Avantgarde Gtx

   For those who crave luxury without compromise, the Mercedes-Benz - Avantgarde Gtx stands as a testament to refined elegance. Crafted with premium materials and featuring a sleek design, this stroller redefines luxury for both parent and child. Its intuitive features and meticulous attention to detail make every stroll a sophisticated and enjoyable experience.

luxury stroller

  1. Versatility at Its Finest: Bugaboo - Fox 5

   The Bugaboo - Fox 5 Modular Travel System caters to parents seeking versatility in their stroller choice. This innovative system seamlessly transforms from a cozy bassinet to a toddler-friendly seat, accommodating the ever-changing needs of your growing child. The modular design ensures a smooth transition, providing a comfortable and secure environment from infancy through toddlerhood. Compatible with most car seats too!

  1. Compact and Convenient: Babyzen YoYo2

  Designed for easy navigation through crowded streets and tight spac@yoyostrollers_middleeastes, this stroller boasts a lightweight frame and a convenient one-hand fold feature. The Babyzen Yoyo 2 is your ultimate travel companion, due to its compact folding size, light weight features, and customisable colour packs! It takes you from newborn up to 22kgs. The best part is that it can be connected to other YoYo2 prams, has additional accessories such as boards and seats for older children and is the most durable that we have tested!  


  1. Double Trouble Solution: Bugaboo - Donkey 5 Twin 

   Families with twins or siblings close in age will find the Bugaboo - Donkey 5 Twin  to be a game-changer. This innovative stroller offers side-by-side seating, ensuring both children have an equal and comfortable view of the world. With independent reclining seats and ample storage, it's a practical solution for families with more than one little explorer. Maybe you already have a pram from a previous child - we offer connectors that fit most single stroller brands including Babyzen Yoyo2 and Leclerc.

  1. Storage Solutions for On-the-Go : Bugaboo - Dragonfly

We understand the importance of storage for busy parents. Many of their strollers feature spacious storage baskets, providing ample room for diaper bags, snacks, toys, and other essentials. But the : Bugaboo - Dragonfly  boasts thoughtful storage with 22 lbs of underseat basket, plus extra rear pocket for even more storage. Plus it is easy to manoeuvre and easy to fold! Win Win situation!

     7. Budget-Friendly Stroller: Maxi-Cosi - Mara Stroller

   We believe that quality should be accessible to all parents. So we believe that a budget-friendly option without compromising on safety or comfort is the Maxi-Cosi - Mara Stroller. Starting at only AED 893, compact, lightweight, and with one hand fold, it offers everything you might need for your little one. 

All these prams are suitable from newborn and up! They all have bassinet options which are purchased seperately if you choose this option. When babies are smaller they often find a bassinet to be more cosy and secure.

Explore all our bassinet options here in various colours inclduing the for the Stokke Xplory, Babyzen Yoyo,  Bugaboo Donkey 5 bassinet

What to look for in a stroller

Seat, wheels, handlebar, canopy: All strollers are comprised of the same basic components. So what makes each one different? Study these features when evaluating a stroller. Contact us if you need further help choosing the best stroller for your needs!

  • Five-point harness
  • Your baby won't budge in a five-point harness, which secures at the shoulders, waist and in between the legs. A three-point harness is less secure.

  • Wheels
  • Look for rubber, foam-filled wheels or air-filled tires, which are more durable and allow for better maneuverability than plastic wheels.

  • Canopy
  • Test how much the canopy will protect the baby from sun and weather. Many are adjustable, allowing for varying degrees of coverage, and include window panels (often ventilated) for sneaking a peek.

  • Storage basket
  • Add your purse or diaper bag to ensure it fits in the basket. Remember that you'll need to store bags here instead of hanging them from the handlebar, which is unsafe.

  • Adjustable handlebar
  • Look for a telescoping handlebar that adjusts in length to accommodate parents of different heights.

    • Bumper bar

    Sometimes included - and often sold separately - as an accessory for your stroller's toddler seat, a bumper bar is a piece that attaches in front of your child to either side of the seat, and provides a place for them to hold on or rest their hands while you stroll.

    One stroller which has a bumper bar and is both functional, luxurious and easy to use is the Mima Xari Max. Everything you need in 1 stroller including a 5 point harness system, storage basket and reliable tyres!

    Explore all our stroller accessories here! From extra canopies, stroller umbrellas,sibling boards, mosquito nets and even car seat adaptors.

    Choosing the right stroller is a significant decision in your parenting journey, so thank you for taking the time to explore our curated selection that caters to various needs and preferences. 

    Every stroller we stock provides  functionality with style, providing the perfect companions for you and your baby. Embrace the joy of parenthood with confidence, knowing that you've invested in one of the best stroller selections available on the market, tailored to your lifestyle and budget.

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