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Baby Pacifier with Box Size 0

Baby Pacifier with Box Size 0

Обычная цена AED 40.00
Обычная цена Цена со скидкой AED 40.00
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This biofunctional soother supports natural development – because you want them to have the best start.
Before first use, submerge the soother in hot boiling water for five minutes.  Leave to cool and dry off any excess water (for hygiene reasons)
Always clean the soother before giving it to your body
Only use softened water for cleaning (eg still mineral water), as bacteria can collect in calcium deposits.  If necessary, a mild soap can also be used for cleaning.
Leave the soother to dry thoroughly.  Bacteria can collect in excess water.
Store the soother in the box provided or in another dry sealable container

  • Product dimension: 8.4 x 6.1 x 10.9 cm
  • Suitable for 0 - 7 months 


Replace the soother every two months at least (for hygiene and safety reasons)
The soother is designed so that it cannot be swallowed whole.  If your baby puts the whole soother in their mouth simply remove it carefully and calmly
Do not put medication or anything sweet on the soother
The soother is not designed as a teething ring
We recommend breaking the habit of using a soother at no later than 36 months.

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